
A blend of two classic puzzles can often prove unsuccessful, destroying the essential simplicity of each, and indeed, it was precisely this point that Trevor Truran wanted to make when he designed the puzzle.

It turns out, though, that Killershiki has much popular support.

Trevor Truran says:

"The essence of a good puzzle is, you can start solving straight away and feel confident you know what you are doing. Killershiki uses the familiar unique digit combinations and there is no repeitition of digits in any row or column. The Futoshiki symbols then neatly solve the problem of what goes where. No deep solving techniques are needed, just the ability to spot the clue that takes you one step closer to the solution."


Each line across and down must contain all the numbers 1-9. the given symbols tell you if the number in the cell is larger (>) or smaller (<) than the number next to it. In addition, the digits in each inner shape (marked by hold lines) must add up to the number in the top corner of that box. No digit is repeated in an inner shape.

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