Last Thoughts

Also Known As:

That Follows

Last Thoughts is a word association crossword from the same family as Missing Links and First Thoughts. In Last Thoughts, each answer is word that can follow the clue word to form a well-known expression. For example, the answer CASH might be clued 'Petty ___ (4)'.

The puzzle relies on strong, distinctive links between the clue and answer words. Cluing the word BEAT as 'Off ___ (4)' is valid (off-beat), but unhelpful. This clue could just as easily lead to the answers HAND, LOAD and PEAK. In contrast, the clue 'Brow ___ (4)' is more distinctive, and will almost certainly lead the solver to the correct answer.

First Thoughts works on the same principle, but has answers that precede the clue words, rather than following them.


To answer each clue, fill in the missing word that will complete the well-known phrase or term, then put the answers in the grid.

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